I am involved in a variety of teaching related activities which I really enjoy. I have a particular interest in helping people become better science communicators. Below is a summary of courses I currently coordinate, co-coordinate, teach in and am helping to develop.
Physics 404 – Introduction to Medical Physics
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Faculty of Science
Role: Coordinator and lecturer
This course provides an overview of several aspects of medical physics including nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance imaging, radiological imaging, radiation therapy and biomedical optics. Lectures are given by 7 different faculty members. Content is suitable for 3rd and 4th year science or applied science students.
Pathology 535/635 – Graduate Studies Seminar
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Role: Co-coordinator and lecturer
Students learn oral and written scientific communication skills and have a venue to practice those skills. This course also provides an opportunity for graduate students to exchange on their research with peers, and witness the diverse research programs pursued within the department. Formal lectures include how to give an oral presentation, how to write an abstract, how to write a research proposal, how to make and present a poster and how to write a lay summary.
Medical Physics Graduate Studies Seminar
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Faculty of Science
Role: Co-developer and Lecturer
This course is in the pilot testing phase and is modeled after the Pathology 535/635 seminar series described above. The goal will be to instruct students in the Medical Physics program on the various aspects of scientific communication (oral presentations, posters, abstracts, strategies for providing feedback, lay writing and speaking with the public). This course will also provide medical physics graduate students with an opportunity to present their research to their peers.
Pathology 408
Laboratory Administration
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Role: Lecturer
Personnel management, staff management relationships, stock control, record keeping, etc. Medicolegal aspects of medical laboratory science. Theory and practice of quality control. Use of computers in the medical laboratory.
MEDD 422C – Transition into Clinical Education
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Role: Case Based Learning Facilitator
This course prepares students to transition from classroom-based to clinical learning environments. It involves increasingly complex clinical presentations integrating foundational sciences and clinical practice themes. It prepares students for clinical practice in Year 3 Clerkship.
PGY1 Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine
Role: Co-coordinator and lecturer
This four-week elective is intended to give first year psychiatry residents an opportunity to gain fundamental knowledge in understanding the value and limits of neuroimaging as it applies to psychiatric disorders. Residents are encouraged to pursue topics in neuroimaging that are of personal interest and to expand their understanding of the relationships between neuroanatomy, function and clinical sequelae in neuropsychiatric disorders. Opportunities for interactive participation in clinical neuroradiology, psychiatric neuroimaging research and neuropathology are provided during this elective.